To Lahore, With Love


By Hina Belitz

Genre: Religious Fiction

Publisher: Headline Review


Watch the Breakdown

Addy Mayford has always struggled with her identity. Brought up in a household of stories, food and faith by her Irish mother and Pakistani Nana, she feels constantly torn between the two sides of her upbringing. Since the death of her father, she's found contentment cooking delicious recipes from his home city of Lahore, despite the protestations of her mother that being a chef is no career for a young woman. It's only with the love of her gorgeous husband, Gabe, that she's truly found happiness. (Taken from publishers)

Plot twist, about as quickly as you can read the paragraph above Addy’s life flips from Instagram perfect to WTF. The book is broken down into 3 parts: before, the day, and after. The happiness Addy thought she’d found gets crushed when she suspects her husband is cheating on her. And then he decides to leave, saying that he needs space.

Millions of tears and plenty of Stay Strong Chicken Yakhni soups later Nana makes an executive decision that Addy needs to go to Lahore. Addy travels to Lahore to escape her bitter new reality in London alongside her best friend, and Nana (who invited herself along.) During her trip she discovers herself and a real love for her father’s land, but also discovers an extended family secret that knocks her breathless and changes her life as she knows it.

Side note: (I know, I know R Kelly is blacklisted) but… the prologue of this book reminds me of his ‘Trapped in the Closet’ Chapter 1-12 music videos that had everyone gripped for ages.

Is that how you’re feeling yeah

I’m feeling like the book absolutely banged. Point, blank period, I really loved this book. It takes you on a journey of identity searching, mixed heritage exploration and food galore. Yes, yes and yes. Major excitement as I report that the story was engaging right from the beginning to the end.

At first, the lack of patience in me didn’t want to hear about England, I wanted to skip right to Pakistan. But once all the saucy details and flavours started emerging, it was crystal clear why it was important to dedicate time to the before section in England.

I particularly like that Addy, the main character is of mixed heritage and how that is explored throughout. It’s one thing being from a different heritage from the country you live in and trying to find the perfect balance there, but there are extra layers in Addy’s case. It’s interesting to read about the difference in culture, language, religion and how Addy navigates them.

I was lying on a beach in Grand Turks, but really I was in the hustle and bustle of the markets in Lahore because everything I read felt so rich and vivid that I was immediately transported there.

Every chapter is named after and features a recipe, which sets the tone for the chapter. If you want to secure your bae then you’ll need some ‘commitment cake’, and if you’ve done someone wrong try out ‘Forgive-Me Bitter Gourd.’ If you’ve had your heartbroken and you are feeling fragile try out the ‘Stay Strong Chicken Yakhni Soup.’

Stay Strong Chicken Yakhni Soup

For patience and constancy, leading to inner strength take:
1 onion, sliced
1 big, black cardamom
4cm/2in cinnamon stick

The artistry: to extract the essence of things, less being at times so much more.
— Chapter 9

It Hit me when

When I learned the big family secret in Lahore. It’s mad how something can be right in front of you but you’re oblivious to it. I think the reasoning behind it hit me more than the actual lie. (No spoilers ‘round here… you have to read the book and leave a comment when you know)


Nana’s quotes have left me thinking and reflecting outside of the book on faith and my general outlook on life and how I deal with scenarios. I love a book that makes me take away something to think about. Another thing I took away is a serious reminder, that you cannot rely on your happiness to come from someone.


My favourite character: Oooh this was a tough one. I really identified with and loved Addy but I’ve got to go with Nana. Everyone needs a Nana like Addy’s. I already have one which is probably why she is my favourite character. She doesn’t understand boundaries and shows Addy so much love in her own way. Especially through the love language of food.

Addy’s best friend hmm something didn’t sit well with me about her. When Addy was crying, she started crying, and then upgraded it to being hysterical. To the point that Addy had to help her out. Them things there don’t add up. She seemed shady and untrustworthy.

I have been transformed, just as the ingredients in my recipes are, into something better. My disparate parts melded. How ironic that I had to journey thousands of miles from home to find my way back to myself.
— Addy Mayford


272 pages. Perfect length, nothing felt rushed or too dragged out at any point of the book.

Seasoning Level

CO2 | Salt | Pepper | Mixed Herbs | All Purpose Seasoning

All-purpose seasoning. The perfect mixture of culture, laughter, eye-rolling and surprise. I green light this book.

The Big Quote

Nothing that hits you was ever going to miss you. Nothing that misses you was ever going to hit you.

*Gifted by Headline Review. Thanks for sending me the perfect holiday book Alara.

Happy Publication Day, the book is not available to buy!

