Self Care Saturdays

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I'm a massive preacher when it comes to Self-care Saturdays. It's easy to look at self-care as a follow up to a bad mental health period but I now use it regularly in both the stormy and sunny moments, that self-care is now a firm part of my lifestyle. I'm sharing my simple but effective five-step self-care ritual.

I like the thought of self-care being a 'prevention rather than cure' technique and find that taking time out for myself is a major key. It's such a mood booster to actively take time out of your often super busy schedules and to spend time treating yourself.  Of course, self-care can be done on any day. Sunday is unofficially my 'Snack-seeking-Sunday's' as I try and load my stomach with cooked dinner from whoever feels in a loving mood, but by all means, make Sunday your self-care day. 

Self-care doesn't have to be expensive. I used to think that things like self-care and wellbeing were buzzwords for the elite but I promise you that's not the case. A Spa day is on my list of ultimate relaxation, but doing up DIY spa at home can be just as soothing, I've got no shame in saying that many times I've been chilling at home with my foot soaking in a random bucket.

Step 1: Turn off your phone.

(Well not now, now) Disconnect from the outside world. No socials, no texts, no calls. It's easier to connect with yourself and be present when you remove one of the biggest distractions.

Step 2: Soak in a nice hot bath.

I picked up some Bath Fizz from Baylis & Harding (My Grandma loves the brand, which means they are real boujie) If you only have access to a shower get a real flavoursome shower gel and take a long shower. ( Blaze the showerhead on different body parts for a hydro effect) 

Step 3: Put on something comfy, something that makes you feel at ease and settled.

I bought a dressing gown from Marks & Spencers for £30. I kept repeating to myself "You really spent £30 on a dressing gown what di..." Anyway, it is now my favourite item of clothing, and I refuse to be without it. 

Step 4: Put on a face mask

. Face masks for me are more than just the physical process. The whole experience feels like a sort of reset. Also when you have the mask on you're forced to slow your actions all the way down and just relax. Then if it's a good face mask boom, bam your face is left feeling brand new aka "Tunn all the way up." I tried a new face mask this time, which I found really fiddly, but it was literally what it said on the packaging, a "moisture bomb" 

Step 5: Bring out that comfort snack and devour it.

We all have that one comfort snack, or two or three, or four. *This is a judgement-free zone* I have to eat a crunchie bar, and I have a certain technique for eating it that I will only do when I am super comfortable. 

When you're ready reconnect with the world, or extend your phone absence basking in your own company. Either way, you'll be left feeling happy that you took some time out for yourself, and reminding yourself that you're an O.G (Original Gangster)
